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Keloidectomy of left forearm

This is a patient with extensive and severe keloids after burn injury. He was followed up by plastic surgery at a general hospital with only ointment prescription. Because of the severe contracture (pull), she was unable to straighten her back and her growth was severely affected. We devised a surgical design using a combination of -consecutive Z-plasty - 5-flap to remove the contracture. As expected, the skin defect could not be fully covered by the skin valve alone, so a small skin graft taken from the lateral thoracic region was added. After the surgery, to prevent the tightness (contracture) from recurring, compression with an adhesive splint and immobilization with a corset were performed for more than 3 months. This is called postoperative therapy and is so important that it determines half of the outcome. The patient, who was a five-year-old child at the time of surgery, is now in the upper grades of elementary school. So far, there has been no twitching even when the patient's back is straightened. As you can see, even keloids caused by severe burns can be improved to this extent with appropriately designed plastic surgery and careful postoperative care. Post-treatment treatment for keloids and scars lasts for three months, so we encourage the patient as if we were climbing a mountain together. I applaud the patient for a job well done!

Name of procedure

Keloidectomy of left forearm


30s: Male

Procedure Details


Keloidectomy, Z-plasty (two Z-plasties)

Postoperative electron irradiation 20 Gy

Postoperative therapy: Elbow immobilization with taping and corset for 3 months.

Elbow joint immobilization with taping and corset for 3 months

Risks and Side Effects

Pain, bleeding, swelling, subcutaneous hematoma


Approx. 1 week

Cost Including Tax

Click here for price list



CUBE OIKE 3F, 599 Bano-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8172

TEL: +81 75-229-6388

FAX: +81 75-229-6387

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From "Karasuma-Oike Station" of Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line and Karasuma Line
1 minute walk from Karasuma-Oike Station on the Kyoto Subway Tozai Line and Karasuma Line
Right next to Exit #6 (on the 3rd floor of Lawson)
10 minutes on foot to the north from "Karasuma Station" of Hankyu Railway

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